In 1985, off the northwest coast of England, an audacious hijacking by Irish Protestant paramilitaries culminates in the disappearance of one hundred million pounds of gold bullion. En route to Ireland, the seagoing barge Irish Rose capsizes and sinks under mysterious circumstances...
Drink with the Devil opens during 1985 off the northwest coast of England, where an audacious hijacking by Irish Protestant paramilitaries results in the disappearance of one hundred million pounds in gold bullion. The haul and hijackers are last known to be en route to Ireland...
The hunt is on for a fortune in stolen British gold in this New York Times bestselling Sean Dillon novel. Irish militant Michael Ryan wants to finance war in his homeland--and a sinister pact with the New York Mafia will make his dreams a savage reality...
Drink with the Devil opens during 1985 off the northwest coast of England, where an audacious hijacking by Irish Protestant paramilitaries results in the disappearance of one hundred million pounds in gold bullion. The haul and hijackers are last known to be en route to Ireland...
In 1985, off the northwest coast of England, an audacious hijacking by Irish Protestant paramilitaries culminates in the disappearance of one hundred million pounds of gold bullion. En route to Ireland, the seagoing barge Irish Rose capsizes and sinks under mysterious circumstances...
The hunt is on for a fortune in stolen British gold in this New York Times bestselling Sean Dillon novel. Irish militant Michael Ryan wants to finance war in his homeland--and a sinister pact with the New York Mafia will make his dreams a savage reality...
Drink with the Devil opens during 1985 off the northwest coast of England, where an audacious hijacking by Irish Protestant paramilitaries results in the disappearance of one hundred million pounds in gold bullion. The haul and hijackers are last known to be en route to Ireland...