This book is exactly what you think it is: detailed accounts of closing sales, as well as the psychology behind most of them. Ziglar sprinkles in anecdotes to keep the book in a narrative, fun format. I highly recommend this book if you have self-confidence issues or need help in interviews.
This incorporates the fundamentals of sales techniques and presents them in an enjoyable way. If you are a sales professional, this book will boost your sales and bring you back to the basics to strengthen your sales foundation every more. Zig is a living icon whose work scripted the fundamentals of all sales training as we know it today. A must read.
The Book is a joy to read and full of great suggestions on how to improve your sales. Some suggestions and topics should be 'common sense' but Zig shows how these common sense philosophys help you achieve extraordinary sales results. It is a must read for the True Sales Professional!
When I first read this book, last month, I was drawn towards it because I couldn't find Maxwell Maltz's books on selling. And, I remember reviewing this book, thinking that I had not heard objections from my prospects, yet, by the time I read page 304, of this 400 page book, I created a notebook with 35 pages of notes, each begins with specific objections that I have heard.I remember asking myself, "Are you closing one sale...
Zig Ziglar shares with the reader how he overcame obstacles in achieving success in his life, professionally, and personally. He uses stories to show examples of the "Secrets" to closing deals. Many of the stories he shares with the reader are stories about how he was closed by good, professional sales people. He also offers dozens of closes, throughout the book, and advice on how and when to use them most effectively...