I’d give it 10 stars if I could!
This is a book that you could read and re-read, which is exactly what I did! Love the book and would highly recommend it! It answers so many questions!
Billy Graham is a wonderful preacher and writer. I read this book and gave it as a gift to my sister because she had questions about going to heaven. It explains everything for people who do not even know who Jesus is and also for those who know something about Him. I recommend this book to everyone who has questions about their soul.
I have read a few books by Pator Billy I would say this has been his best book. It is a big book indeed while reading the book a friend lent me a copy of The Davinci code. i read a little of that but found it to be real boring so i returned that book and got back to reading How to... and there are no words to describe it. Try the book.
While useful to any Christian, this book is written primarily for those searching for a relationship with God and those newly born into the Christian faith. Far from being a theological tome, it is written in such a way as to maximize its comprehension among all manner of individuals. In this regard, it is equivalent to the language used by Jesus Himself. This book is filled with personal experiences and observations of...
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