I bought this for my 8 yr. old and she could not put it down. It has loads of easy to read information. I also love the book myself.
My daughter has just about every page in this book marked. She loves the easy read. I love the easy read too. It helped us get started taking care of our new "pets".
This book gave me a lot of information without overwhelming me. The other books I have bought on raising chickens frightened me away with the seeming enormity of the concept...which must be pretty simple on the whole because so many people do it...this book was great!
My very first chickens are 2 months old now, and I've referred back to this book countless times, for help with making brooder boxes, when to remove the heat lamp, buying feeders/waterers, making our coop, treating diarrhea, when to switch feeds, how to tell a cockerel from a pullet (!), to find out if panting in 90-degree weather is normal (it is), etc., etc. It may be written for kids, but it is not condescending. I appreciate...
Raising healthy chickens is a new experience for most kids today. Buying a few eggs to hatch or getting a couple of cute chicks at Easter is easy, but what happens when they start to get bigger! We know they eat and poop a lot but how do we help them survive to the point where they can actually lay an egg? What do you feed them? Where do you keep them? Can a chicken really make a good pet? You'll find answers to all...