Y si te enamoraras de la persona menos indicada? Lo arriesgar as todo por una posibilidad?
l nunca lo ha tenido f cil y esconde su vulnerabilidad tras una apariencia despreocupada.
Ella desea salir al mundo y conocer el amor.
l esconde cicatrices mucho m s profundas que las que marcan su piel.
Ella quiere volar alto y cumplir ese sue o que no se atreve a confesar.
Ren y Jisoo se conocen desde ni os y no podr an ser m s diferentes.
Sin embargo, cuando el destino los ponga a prueba, descubrir n que el coraz n no entiende de razones.
Porque hay polos opuestos que s encajan y sentimientos m s fuertes que el miedo a lo prohibido.
Porque el amor no sabe de imposibles y a veces vale la pena apostarlo todo por un pu ado de quiz s.
What if you fell in love with the least suitable person? Would you risk everything for one chance?
He has never had it easy and hides his vulnerability behind a carefree appearance.
She wants to go out into the world and know love.
He hides scars much deeper than those that mark his skin.
She wants to fly high and fulfill that dream that she does not dare to confess.
Ren and Jisoo have known each other since they were children and couldn't be more different.
However, when fate puts them to the test, they will discover that the heart does not understand reasons.
Because there are opposites that do fit and feelings stronger than the fear of the forbidden.
Because love knows no impossibles and sometimes it's worth betting everything on a handful of maybes.