With this book Immanuel Velikovsky founded modern catastrophism, shook the doctrine of uniformity, Darwin's theory of evolution and our view of the history of our solar system and of Earth - and caused an uproar that is still going on today.
With this book Immanuel Velikovsky first presented the revolutionary results of his ten-year-long interdisciplinary research to the public, founded modern catastrophism--based on eyewitness reports by our ancestors--shook the doctrine of uniformity of geology as well as Darwin's...
With this book Immanuel Velikovsky first presented the revolutionary results of his 10-year-long interdisciplinary research to the public, founded modern catastrophism - based on eyewitness reports by our ancestors - shook the doctrine of uniformity of geology as well as Darwin's...
With this book Immanuel Velikovsky first presented the revolutionary results of his ten-year-long interdisciplinary research to the public, founded modern catastrophism--based on eyewitness reports by our ancestors--shook the doctrine of uniformity of geology as well as Darwin's...
Nasz świat podlegal wielkim kataklizmom, a zmiany nie następowaly wylącznie w wyniku powolnej ewolucji. Ziemia przeszla wiele wstrząs w w czasie zbliżeń z innymi planetami, a mialo to miejsce W CZASACH HISTORYCZNYCH. Pozostalo wiele ślad w materialnych...