The book i purchased is the updated 2015 veesion. I really just got this book because a friend said she loves it and asked me to read it so we can talk about it. I really don't like all the interjection on what may have happened that isn't recorded in scripture. We really have no idea how Eve felt when she opened her eyes or even if her eyes were closed to begin with. Adam and Eve ate the fruit and hid themselves because...
This is the most unique study book I have ever read in my entire life. I love this!! It tells you where to find the story---gives you a written story---asks you questions---suggest neat ideas and gives you prayer ideas. It even gives you the history of what it was like in their time! This book is so unlike the other study books I've read. I have a lot of trouble following a lot of study books b/c its just information, although...
I discovered this book when trying to find a book for my Bible Study. Divided into short daily devotions, it's all I can do to wait until the next day to read (especially on Fridays, when I see the woman of topic for the next week!). This book focuses on women that I already knew (Eve, Ruth, Mary), but then so many more women who are less well-known (Tamar, Rizpah, Joanna). These women have so much to teach us, and have...
I recently started reading this book. I am very impressed. Each week focuses on a different woman of the Bible, some well-known and some not well-known. I like the way the story is first told in today's language and the information about the culture at the time that woman lived. The questions for each week are not the type that have a wrong or right answer, but they get you to think about how you feel and what you believe...