George R. R. Martin's Wild Cards classic adventure, in trade paperback for the first time: a dangerous superpowered gang rises to power and threatens the citizens of New York City
Bloat, the boy-governor of the Rox, wanted to make Ellis Island a safe haven for Jokers, and made a choice to recruit the Jumpers, superpowered teen outcasts who could steal a man's body in the blink of an eye. But under the leadership of Dr. Tachyon's psychotic grandson, the Jumpers grow more vicious and uncontrollable every day, becoming the greatest threat the Wild Cards have ever faced.... Edited by #1 New York Times bestselling author George R. R. Martin, Jokertown Shuffle features the writing talents of Walton Simons, Chris Claremont, Lewis Shiner, William F. Wu, Victor Milan, Stephen Leigh, Melinda M. Snodgrass, and John Jos. Miller, along with previously unpublished stories from Carrie Vaughn and Cherie Priest. The Wild Cards UniverseRelated Subjects
PoetryI don't think that anyone blames the authors individually the jumpers are just a terrible story arch. Most of this story is set in a world where a madman released a bomb in 1946 that spawned the Wildcard Virus resulting in "Aces" gifted with superhuman powers and "jokers" cursed with various physical and mental deformities. While most stories are focused primarily on the Aces and the roundabout good they do humanity this...
Jokertown Shuffle is of similar quality to the last Wild Cards books. We learn more about Bloat and the Rox, and we discover who the man behind the Jumpers is. Dr. Tachyon is still annoying, as he becomes involved with yet another woman, and Blaise is still causing problems. The best part of the book is the mysterious character of Black Shadow getting a star turn, at last. Wild Cards 09 : 01 The Temptation of Hieronymus...
The other reviews I've read here seem overly harsh to me. The only fantasy I've ever enjoyed was Tolkien, and I'm an avid reader (and critic) of Science Fiction, and I Loved this book, comic book elements and all. Yeah, Tachyon (or, more accurately, Melinda Snodgrass) is getting really boring really quickly, but I thoroughly enjoyed everything else about this book. We are first introduced to Bloat in this book and the events...