After reading this book, I realized how our speech affects our life. I purchased each of my children this book. I recommend it!
This book is an excellent book with practical ways to watch how we speak to and about others as well was how to listen to others without doing hard to ourself or others. There is a message for each day that helps keeps us focused on how God's plan for our speach and reasoning should be. I have really enjoyed reading the daily portion's and have learned how the things we do or say that seem little or unimportant can really...
This book is full of wisdom. It explains everything about how we talk and interact with others. The short devotions are packed with meditative principles. Reading this will help change your thinking about what you say and how you live your daily life. It really helps you want to say the right things - to be slow to speak - and to seriously consider what comes out of your mouth. If we can learn to control our tongues (not just...
It is a beautiful book. No home should be without it. If you are considering buying it, I will just say that it is a great purchase and you won't be disappointed.