This one is probably the best of the three, a happy ending that is more permanent than the others, with Ma'ar/Falconsbane finally dead for real, and all of the other couples rather happily paired off. I am looking forward to the next three, as that completes the ending, though I am surprised that I don't remember more about it. Although, even this one held some surprises for me - especially toward the end.
Herald-Princess Elspeth and her partner Darkwind journey to Valdemar to defeat Elspeths enemy Ancar,using Elspeths new power she and Darkwind go up against him to save her homeland.Elspeth is now an Adept so she has great powers
I enjoyed this book imensely!A well-done conclusion to the tales of Elspeth and Darkwind. I love the works of Mercedes Lackey but this one is by far and wide my favorite. To Mrs. Lackey:pleeeeeese keep writing tales of Valdemar!
I love to read, and I read a lot. Out of all the books I have read the mage winds trilogy was the best. I could hardly put the book down. Now that I'm finished I wish that the story would have gone on forever. I wish I could vist a Tayledras vale or conjure up mage lights as Elespeth did. Lackey made me feel as though I was every characture in the book. I didn't simply read the book, I lived it!!!
I've heard a lot of Valdemar fans, when making a review, compare other books to the Mage Winds ones and say that it was 'disappointing.' But I certainly didn't! I thought the characters were imaginative and seemingly come to life, the plotline continuously leaving you breathless and wanting to know what happens next, and the archvillain, Falconsbane, thrilling and shocking! I loved these books! I couldn't put them down!...