The bestselling author demolishes myths about liberalism in a spirited polemic Thanks to the machinations of the right, there is no dirtier word in American politics today than liberalyet public opinion polls consistently show that the majority of Americans hold liberal views on everything from health care to foreign policy. In this feisty, accessible primer, bestselling author Eric Alterman sets out to restore liberalism to its rightful honored place...
It's all here in spades. While some books are very thin on facts and heavy on opinion this book is just the opposite- for every point he makes, the author backs it up with numerous and highly memorable statistics, studies, relevant examples from recent and past history before finally giving the reader an overall perspective on each issue. For instance, when he debunks the notion of a liberal media, he does so by not through...
Why We're Liberals: A Handbook for Restoring America's Most Important Ideals I love Eric Alterman and am looking forward to getting into this book. I've got a backlog of about 40 books right now...but this one arrived exactly when promised and in great condition--I could give it as a gift it's in such great shape. The price was right on and the content should be amazing. I recommend this book to anyone who likes to actually...
The first question this title (by a noted Ph.D., pundit, and intellectual) brings to mind is: don't they know why they are liberals. Or, shouldn't they have thought about it before they became liberals. Or, honestly, what are they - idiots. To conservatives, liberals are, quite simply, and impolitely, people who don't think or who can't think very well. So, you have to give Mr. Alterman much credit for being a liberal who...
In this well-researched and expertly-written book, Eric Alterman succeeds in disproving and discrediting most of the usual right-wing slanders against liberal/progressive individuals and their approach to goverance. In the end, he also gives reason to hope that, in the near future, the liberal political philosophy, incorporating the belief that government is here to help the people rather than to ignore or persecute them,...
Republicans have devoted a lot of resources to the smearing of liberals, but Eric Alterman is not going to let them get away with it. He has a mission to correct misconceptions spewed by conservatives and regurgitated by mainstream media. His well-researched Why We're Liberals: A Political Handbook for Post-Bush America is chock-full of the staggering statistics, rational reasoning, and liberal principles that are under-represented...