A very nice, readable volume. Grantstein's years of research in the field (not to mention his own military experience, which comes to the fore for the first time) have culminated in this very well done survey of how the Canadian military has evolved in the last 100 years. The book is straightforward, written in simple language, and is logically laid out into several distinct "eras". He discusses both the military atttitudes...
Granatstein hits most of the right targets when assigning blame for the neglect, bordering on outright sabotage, of the Canadian military. Pearson-era Defence Minister Paul Hellyer's bizarre unification experiment gets (almost) the scathing criticism it deserves, as does Trudeau's neglect of the military. And the morale-sapping myth of Canada as a nation of "peacekeepers" is exposed in all its fraudulent glory. But Granatstein,...
Jack Granatstein has captured the culprit who has seen the demise of the Canadian military... it was the Canadian public aided by a succession of elected officials and some careerist members in uniform. Mr. Granatstein does an outstanding job of explaining his choices of reasons why the Canadian Forces (CF) has fallen into a state of disrepair. Peacekeeping vice training and equiping the military for general combat has lulled...