I must confess that I resisted buying this cookbook for many years. I am an avid collector of American Regional and International cookbooks, but found the title of this book offensive. I assumed it was written to mock rural whites, a people I know to be hardworking, self-reliant, and decent. I was wrong about this one. This book actually celebrates these people and their cuisine, and is one of the very best traditional American...
I bought this book years ago when it first came out, and absolutely LOVE it: great recipes, great pictures, down-home real food.Best recipe for biscuits I have ever seen-my book's permanentlystained from use! Even tried the potato chip sandwich, a littlesalty, but delish. You don't have to pay an arm and a leg for pretentious, overpric-ed "country peasant cuisine," you have it right here: polenta'sgrits, baby! A lot of...
Mickler's self-deprecating portrayal of Southern prole culture is absolutely hilarious! But, even 'though this book is laugh-out-loud funny, it is no mere joke-book. Make no mistake -- these are real recipes that work. I took this cookbook with me when my family was relocated, for my husband's job, to live in Silicon Valley for three months in a corporate apartment and forced to make do with a bare-bones kitchen containing...
This book is hysterical, tasteless and wonderful. To start off with, the recipes are authentic and they are tasty. Don't even think about looking for anything low cal here. The pictures are priceless, the short stories will keep you in stitches and the recipes will have everyone saying you are a wonderful cook. GET IT GET IT GET IT. If you are a fan of cookbooks you should not be without this one.