Discover how to get in control of your finances and make wise decisions with your money.
The Money Answer Book offers answers to more than 100 of your most pressing questions about money--everything from budget planning to retirement planning, from personal buying matters, to saving for college and charitable giving. Written by America's favorite personal finance expert, Dave Ramsey, author of the bestselling book The Total Money Makeover, the easy-to-understand question-and-answer format of this book makes it easy to pinpoint the questions that matter to you most.
The Money Answer Book includes answers to commonly asked questions about:
Questions like:
How do I get the ball rolling to get out of debt?I'm trying to reestablish my credit after bankruptcy. Will a low-limit credit card help?What's a basic way to teach my children how to handle money?How do I get started on managing my money?What is the secret to saving?How do I get started with investing?And many more...
If you've struggled with getting out of debt, wanted to do a better job budgeting, or just have questions about how to spend your money wisely, The Money Answer Book will help you get solid, proven financial advice and start you on the road to a financially sound future.
I keep this book with me at ALL times. I have read everything, and listended to the CD's, gone to the classes - and look at this book as my Financial Bible. It keeps me focused - I can read a little and get right back on track.
A little over 3 years ago I had over 20,000 dollars in debt and a lot of it came from Credit Cards because of my out of control spending habits and lack of budget. I pretty much hated life thinking that life was about living paycheck to paycheck. Well things changed when I went in to look into what it would take to buy a house. I knew I couldn't afford it but I really wanted to look into getting a home. The loan officer...
This book is a wonderful tool for everyone to use. It has answers to questions regarding what to do about purchasing vehicles, saving money, budgeting...etc. I will probably have to buy another one becuase this will be worn out from using it so much.