This wonderful compilation from Reader's Digest was given to me as a gift, and the gift is the wisdom, insight, and inspiration that came from people from many lands, heritages, and walks of life. The quotes in this book cover the gamut of life. Here below are just a few of my favorites: "You don't stop laughing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop laughing." - Michael Pritchard "Everything that irritates us...
For some reason, I have always thought of Reader's Digest as "lite" on literary value; I picked up Reader's Digest's Quotable Quotes based only on strong recommendations from a friend. Otherwise, I would have passed it over in favor of a book on "heartwarming expressions" made specifically for scrapbookers, as that was my purpose for hunting up quotable material. I didn't expect the range of authors quoted here to be as...
I washt expecting this little book to be that good . I have bought other similar books in the past and i thought to try this one as well and i have not regret it . This book covers so many topics like relationships , self-help , nature of life , virtues etc . Let me give you some of my favorite quotes included in this book : -There's one thing worse than being alone:wishing you were . -Know yourself . Dont accept your...
If you need a book with amazing quotes to use in your scrapbooks this is the book for you. Tons of great quotes and they are even indexed so if you just want a quote on family or babies you can find them. Every time I bring this book to a crop the whole place wants to look up sayings. FABOO!
I have read and collected quotes for 21 years and I look forward each month to "Quotable Quotes" in Reader's Digest. This book is a GREAT collection form this monthly magazine. I like the compact size and hope Reader's Digest issues other editions.