Throughout my life, when I have worked either as a youth pastor, or even a Bible School teacher, I have always been involved in worship in my local church at some level. I can't help it, because worship is such an important part of my life. I like what I read recently in a book by George Verwer, the founder of Operation Mobilization, who wrote:
I believe that the highest goal for every believer is not evangelism, but worship. See that it becomes your number one priority. You will find that evangelism and every other Christian activity is easier in consequence. Give worship pride of place above intercessory prayer, and simply enjoy God because he is God.
When a man, who has spent his entire life, training people for evangelism, says that we should consider worship higher than evangelism and intercessory prayer, and give it more importance in our lives; then I believe, we should pay attention
This book is intended for everybody involved in a worship ministry as a singer, musician or a worship leader, or even someone just looking to learn more about the topic. I pray that this book will enrich your ministry even if just in a small way, and that you will find the book helpful, to you personally and your worship team as well.
In English, worshiper can also be spelled worshipper. I have chosen the latter throughout this book as it is the most modern form. God bless you as you read this book.
Mark K. Hill