Short Synopsis: Young Ruby Bridges is ordered by a judge in 1960 to attend William Franz Elementary School. She is the first African American to attend the school. A mob gathers to shout racial insults at Ruby on her first day at school. Marshals accompany Ruby to school for months as crowds gather daily to protest. Ruby is taught alone by Mrs. Henry as white children are pulled out of school. The story ends with Ruby ...
This is a great book for facilitating what African-Americans had to go through in oreder to go to a white, segregated school. This will help children to understand the present as well. It helps them to understand why there is still such a problem with racism. Ruby, the first black child to attend a segregated school, sets a great example for children to follow. The text is easy to read throughout, offering the viewpoint...
The Story of Ruby Bridges Written by Robert ColeRobert Coleengages readers in a surprisingly emotional book. Though short,"The Story of Ruby Bridges" is amazingly eye opening and introduces readers to the perils of a major event in history. In this case, the event is an account of a small girl's battle against overt racism in New Orleans. Young and old readers alike can benefit from the lessons learned in this story, though...
Wonderful, powerful, humbling true story of Ruby Bridges, a six year old African American girl in 1960, sent to integrate an elementary school in New Orleans. Children of the 1990's will be speechless with astonishment when they come to understand the ugliness of racism. Ruby's calm perseverance, academic commitment, and gracious forgiveness are powerful lessons for all of us, parents as well as children. MUST READ FOR...
As a first grade teacher, I read this book with my students. We talked about how it must have felt to be Ruby, to have adults screaming at you, to be the only child in school. We talked about how lucky we are that everyone can be together in our class and ended with a group hug. The first graders wrote a touching letter to Ruby and are eagerly awaiting a reply from her. This book allowed my students to understand racial...