"Warrior's Woman" is a steamy, sensual story with fun characters and an exotic locale - after all, it takes place on another planet. I have an English Literature degree and enjoy all genres, so I couldn't begin to describe how delighted I was with "Warrior's Woman," a cross between romance and science fiction. And what an amazing book it was! To cram 300+ pages into one sentence, it is the story of a gorgeous security guard...
The thing I like most about Johanna Lindsey's books is that it hooks you in right from the start and keeps you there. A regular hook, line, and sinker. This book is no exception. Lindsey give us what most romance authors rarely succeed in doing. A heroine that is able to defend and fight for herself while still maintaining the air of feminity.Tedra De Arr, a fearless Sec 1 out in space trying to find help for her captive...
I love this book. From the moment I started it, to the moment I finished it, I was spellbound. I have rarely been drawn to characters such as these two.Tedra De Arr and Challen Ly-San-Ter are two of the most memorable people you will ever meet. This is a great Science Fiction - Fantasy - Romantic novel. This story takes place in the future of 2139 on the planet Kystran. Tedra De Arr, the lovely heroine, is a Sec 1, a law...
I have read all of Johanna Lindsey's books, as with all authors and types of books, there are good ones and bad ones. This one is my absolute all time favorite. I admit, I was skeptical about reading a "futuristic romance" but when I picked this one up I had already read every Lindsey book I could get my hands on. This was the best surprise yet! Tedra was so hysterically funny and naive, smart and caring. I loved her...
Tedra and Challen are two of the best characters ever. They are witty and extremely funny. Tedra is the type of heroine that all authors should begin to model their heroines after after. She is strong, independant, and not afraid to challenge her man on things that she considers important. This was the first book that I read by Lindsey and to me it was the best. Since reading Warrior's Woman I have read every other...