Even though this book stated it was for a younger age group, I got it for my 14 yr. old. We had our first talk about sex when he was 9. When he started asking questions, I simply answered them the best I could. I have always wanted my kids to feel free to ask me anything. In reading this series of books I hope I have more of the answers they need and deserve to hear. My son enjoyed this book and stated that it has given...
Highly recommended for every parent and child. Personally I supplement with "Learning about sex - a series for the Christian family" also available for various age groups. It's better to have a couple of different versions on hand, one of them will speak to your teenager. I like the conservative approach, but the basics still remain the same (biology based). A parent's and teenager's help!
This is book 3 of the God's Design for Sex series. I purchased the series when my daughters were 8 years old. My girls have been quite sheltered from TV and videos their entire life and attend a Christian school. We started at age 8 with Book 1 soon followed by book 2 and then left things there for quite a while. At 11 we read through all of Book 3. At 13, (now) they have read parts of book 4 and reviewed the table of...
If you're nervous about telling your child the "facts of life", this book will save you. It goes over all the stuff you might forget and like the book, I highly recommend reading it out loud with your child. Note: it has "parents" parts and "kids" parts broken down like a script/question-answer style; but it's not cheesie.
There are two books prior to "What's the Big Deal" and we have used these wonderfully illustrated books with all three of our children. We followed the age suggestion and found that the subject matter was presented in a very natural and positive way. The main reason these books are such a blessing is that we need to tell our precious and innocent children the truth so that they are prepared mentally and emotionally when...