This book is a "must have" for every Unix user. At our office we have in the past created "cheat sheets" for Unix users in the event that our administrator is not around. This book covers everything that a user needs to know and more. I found the chapter on problem solving to be extremely useful. I plan to recommend that all of the Unix users in our office get a copy of this book.
I like this book a lot - it's a quick ramp-up to the basics of unix, from a different angle, that is not how to do things but rather how to solve problems.As someone who used to be a VMS system administrator, I think *all* users should read this book. Most of the problems are rather trivial, and a sysadmin shouldnt be bothered with them.As someone who had to was thrown into the water as a new unix user who could *not* talk...
This book will tell you what you will probably discover on your own after a couple of months of serious use with Unix. The examples are very practical and very useful. I liked another interesting thing about this book. The authors from O'reilly books (Linda Lamb, Mike Loukides and the other unix gurus) tell some of their practical experiences. That's a nice touch!