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This book has it all about diet, very easy to read and common sense, small investment that paid great dividends.
Este es un libro basado en el sentido común. Usted se preguntará, ¿Como pudo saber este médico el tipo de alimentos que comía Jesús? Bueno, en parte, algunos pocos, estan mencionados directamente en el relato de los evangelios. Pero la mayoria de las recomendaciones, son deducciones del autor basado en el tipo de alimentación que había disponible alrededor del Mediterraneo en aquella época -y que en gran parte aun continuan...
Most diet books are aimed at weight loss. This is not one of them, but weight loss will result from following what is outlined in it. This is THE best diet book I have ever seen, in that it changes the way you think about food for your entire life. The main focus of the book is showing you what a toxic lifestyle most Americans lead, and how specific things in our "normal" diets are literally killing us. Dr. Colbert explains...
What would Jesus eat? Well, it definitely wasn't "Moma-Mia's pizza", "Greasy Joe's burgers", or nuked cardboard containers filled with overcooked, under-valued Have you ever noticed, that all those microwaved containers seem to taste the same; the only difference is the colour of the sauce. Readers will find not only thought-provoking references from the Scriptures throughout this book, but some interesting...