From the Word to Parents introduction to Angus the Answer Dog activities, Heidi Murkoff presents information on toilet training in a way that is both clever and comprehensive. But what would you expect from the author who also wrote What To Expect When You're Expecting, the must-read for mothers-to-be? Murkoff's potty book answers ten toddler questions about the process. Rather than read it to your toddler from cover to...
This book takes the mystery (hence some of the scariness) out of the process, and handles the subject in a matter-of-fact way. Especially good for for independant minded, strong willed toddlers!
this book is great! my son loves iT! when i read the other reviews about it being over the kids head, i was shocked! my circle mothers all love it! without it, my son would still be doing his business in his diaper! its informative and great! i recommend it to everyone! i love it! my son loves it! you will love it!
this was the most useful book i have ever seen! i am a huge fan of the what to expect books.. and now my kids can use them! and that angus is just adorable! it actually makes learning fun! and with a great companion.. angus! everyone with a child must get this book! its a god sent!
What to expect when you use the potty is a great book for those toddlers learning to use the potty. It's a great book to read while learning about or actually using the potty. My daughter wanted to use her potty more and more as she was learning what to expect when you go potty! It's a great book that's friendly while short enough to to keep a toddler's mind on how to know when to go potty.