What the Bible Is All About is the essential handbook for anyone who wants to read and understand God's Word. Inside this revised and updated edition of Henrietta Mears' classic, you'll find an overview of every book in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. In addition, What...
El claro y conciso examen de las Escrituras que ella (Henrietta C. Mears) hace, nos revela que la Biblia es un libro, una historia, y un relato. Este compa ero del estudio b blico ayuda a hacer que las Escrituras revivan para usted, y lo ayudar a conocer mejor la revelaci n...
The Bible unfolds before your eyes. With more than 500 full-color photos, illustrations, maps, and charts, What the Bible Is All About is the most interesting and user-friendly Bible handbook ever A perfect introduction to the Bible for new believers, yet this valuable resource...
El claro y conciso examen de las Escrituras que ella (Henrietta C. Mears) hace, nos revela que la Biblia es un libro, una historia, y un relato. Este compa ero del estudio b blico ayuda a hacer que las Escrituras revivan para usted, y lo ayudar a conocer mejor la revelaci n escrita...
This classic handbook, written by Henrietta Mears, has been a staple resource for many years. It will prove invaluable for all those seeking to deepen their understanding of the Bible, as it presents a wealth of information in an approachable way. Here is a comprehensive journey...