This is one of the most powerful and useful books on identifying my core values. The stories relayed and examples given are on point and very applicable to me and my life. I found myself tabbing several pages with quotes or historical references that provided insight into my values and how I want to live my life.
I picked this book up at the local library, and was deeply moved and inspired by it. I haven't read Mr. Smith's previous book, but certainly intend to look it up next time.As the title suggests, if you wish to lead a rich and fulfilling life, (and we're not talking material things here) you must live it in accordance with the values and people that matters most to you. You can't be everything to everyone, and you need to be...
The concepts presented in this book have completely turned my life around. I've tried numerous "self-help" or "self-improvement" books but most tend to focus on the problems you have in your life, rather than your core values. In What Matters Most, Hyrum Smith brings these values to the forefront and helps you focus on the important things in your life.It's unfortunate some people are not happy with the book - especially...
As a working professional, wife, mother, and concerned member of the community I have been searching for help in balancing my life. I found Hyrum Smith's book extremely insightful into how I can "have it all" and "do it all."The first thing he does is to help me define what "having it all" is to me. And I've discovered that I need to decide what matters most to me and not let media nor soceity nor anybody else do that for...