This is a book whose time has come, and not a minute too soon... If you're a skeptic or a cynic you will miss out on its value, because you will look for reasons NOT to believe it. And it will be YOUR loss. You may not believe it, but happiness IS a choice. If you look for reasons to be happy you can always find them, if you look for reasons to be unhappy you can always find them, too. It comes down to what you want to...
I have been in and out of counseling for 18 years and have read many self-help books. I have spent countless hours trying to figure out what was "wrong" with me, so that I could fix it. Until about four years ago, my life was a story of three steps forward, two steps back, one forward, two or three steps back. I then finally found the courage to make some difficult decisions that allowed the movement to be three steps forward,...
I've read and own dozens of self help books. This book is a gem and has changed my life. The entire scientific explanation by the author on how parts of our brains have not evolved (brain stem, amygdala and endocrine system) is well explained and in turn, a huge revelation. He continues to explain that we emit stress hormones to abstract threats (as opposed to physical threats) such as money issues, potential meetings . ...
I've read so many self help books over the years, and I can't say any of them have been very helpful. Interesting, definitely - but nothing that got me closer to feeling the way I've dreamed about for so long: happy, confident, & relaxed. I've gotten so skeptical. Thank God there was still enough of a spark of desperate hope buried in me to get me to pick up this wonderful book.A thousand "Thank You!"'s to Dan Baker...
dr. dan baker has written a book that everyone can read and understand with ease.. we've been taught that happiness is elusive when in fact it's a learned response to lifes experiences. Without any airy fairy explanations, dr. baker leads the way for us to find happiness when life perhaps has other plans for us. The examples given in this book are worth the price of the book alone.. We sometimes think there is a magic bullet...