In the seemingly quaint town of Hell, Michigan, a single radio station's glass window becomes a haunting portal, drawing unsuspecting townsfolk into a nightmarish cycle of aging and death. Jay Lindsey, the station's weary owner, is driven to frustration by the morbid spectacle of people staring into the one-way glass, their aging and demise unfolding before his eyes. But when a seemingly benign request from a little old lady leads to a sinister curse, the town finds itself trapped in an unending cycle of decay.
As shadows creep through the streets and whispers of ancient darkness grow louder, Jay and his friend Lisa are thrust into a harrowing battle against an unfathomable malevolence. With each passing day, the boundary between their world and the shadowy abyss becomes increasingly perilous.
In this chilling tale of supernatural dread and relentless horror, Jay and Lisa must unravel the town's dark secrets and confront a heart of darkness that threatens to consume them all. As they delve deeper, they realize that the true terror lies not just in what they face, but in the creeping realization that the darkest evils may lie within themselves.
*We Live in Hell* is a spine-tingling journey into the heart of darkness, where every reflection holds a threat, and every moment could be the last. Will they escape the sinister curse, or will they, too, become lost in the shadowed depths of Hell?