I discovered Nick Hornby by accident when I picked up the The Polysyllabic Spree, the first of the three collections of his book criticism originally written for the Believer magazine. He followed Spree with Housekeeping vs. the Dirt and ends (unfortunately) with Shakespeare Wrote for Money. The title is a throw away line from the book but is also classic Hornby. This little demythifacation (is that a word?)of the Bard tells...
I said this for Hornby's previous collection of essays on his monthly readings and purchases, but it bears repeating: You know what's more fun than writing about great books? Reading a great book about reading good books and writing, written by a great (and a personal favorite) writer. Hornby doesn't only make great recommendations, but his columns are about the nature of reading and literature in general. In this collection,...
I LOVE HORNBY. He's so interesting and funny. And a damn good writer too. This trilogy: The Polysyllabic Spree, Dirt vs. Housekeeping, and now Shakespeare Wrote for Money -- they're brilliant and I'm so sad he's not writing these reviews anymore ... I hope it's just temporary. Excerpt: ... a novel I had just abandoned by a senior, highly regarded literary figure ... It wasn't just the opacity of the prose that led me...
A book about books by an author of books with extra book sauce. Nick Hornby is a charming writer. His collection of essays from The Believer about the books he has read (or feels he ought to have read) make excellent reading, and when transported to the bookshop, make a handy reading guide. Prepare for late nights with the bedside lamp.
I stumbled on this book at a library book sale last weekend. I'd read Nick Hornby's The Polysyllabic Spree and Housekeeping vs. the Dirt, but didn't even know there was a new collection of his Stuff I've Been Reading columns from The Believer Magazine. Not only did I find a book I knew I would enjoy, but at a bargain price! The book starts with a fun introduction by Sarah Vowell, but the bad news is that this is Hornby's...
Here's our third installment for the best books of the past decade. Each week for five weeks, we are presenting ten of the best books of the past decade in two different genres. A total of ten lists of ten: 10 x 10 equals 100! This week's lists are Humor and Short Story Collections. Here are our picks for the top ten of each.