Love this book. Have passed it along to my grandparents who will then pass it on to my uncle. Great for just about anyone to read.
In the style of Carlos Castaneda, but without the magic and for me, without the authenticity. There's an element of overkill from the Socrates character that I just didn't like. I was drawn to the warrior theme, and I really wanted to love this book. Unfortunately, it never grabbed me, and I put it down after 60 or so pages. I keep buying Dan Millman's books because they all have strong reviews, but I pretty much have...
I read this while I was in college at the recommendation of a friend. It's such a great read!
Quieres cambiar tu vida para mejor? ¿Quieres aprender cómo? ¿Necesitas saber las pautas? Lee a Millman, no te defraudará."
This book teach you how to live your life better... in other words enjoy your life, because it is only one!!!