Dana Fuller Ross' panoramic saga of America's great expansion into the western territories is some of the most intelligent, well written historic fiction I have read. The books trace the lives of the pioneers, Americans and immigrants from the North and South, Caucasians, Blacks, Asians and Native Americans, who daily waged a battle of survival. "Washington" is Book 9 in a series of 24 novels which truly bring history to life...
This is the ninth book in the Wagon's West series.The civil war is finally over. Toby Hold is returning home a wounded hero (Whip's Son). This is the story of the second generation of Holts and Blake's, and their claim of parts of Washington for the US.This is the story of their struggles against the British & Russian forces trying to keep them for making the trip.This book is one of the 1st printing from back in the early...
WASHINGTON! is the book that sets the tone for the rest of the Wagons West! series, as it is the book that establishes Toby Holt as the central character. He was wounded during the War, and now must face returning back home to a wife that he hardly knows. He also must deal with a corrupt lumberman that rules the town of Tumwater like a fiefdom.However, too much deux ex machina hurts the book. Acts of nature are responsible...