Simone is in for a life-long lesson as she journeyed through life. Initially, the innocence of her childhood gave her hope as her mother sheltered her from many dangers but could not completely keep her from facing the giants of fears, loses, rejection, depression and attempted suicide. At twenty-two years old, she is married to Shaun who is a few months younger. With the sparks of undoubted love flying in the air, the two have great aspirations. However, when trouble arise, Simone lose sight of what she really has. A domino effect ensues as the darkness of her childhood surfaced when she remembers how her father abused her mother. The marriage felt the blow of her memory. The once sparked love slowly diminished as the couple started to reject each other.
Will they ever find love again when dealing with three of the boys being diagnosed with asthma and one having atopic eczema while at the same time Shaun became ill with Crohn's Disease? Was she angry with Shaun or was it with God? With her mind in a catatonic state and forgetting who she is made to be, Simone finds herself face to face with the Sovereign God. This amazing encounter encapsulated her inner-soul and she will never be the same again.
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