"His wit is as venomous as ever, his material even more devastating and polished than before."--New York Daily News
"Bogosian hasn't simply crossed the line of good taste, he has snorted it."--The Daily Texan
"No, Bogosian isn't angry. He's furious, and perplexed, and neurotic, and brilliant as ever." -The Boston Globe
Wake Up is Bogosian's meditation on making it to the top of the ladder, on falling off the ladder and on the exhilarating thrill of the ultimate crash and burn. Once again the author offers a blisteringly funny and dead-on take of the chaos and alienation of post-modern life in the U. S. of the year 2000. As Michael Feingold so ably offered in his Village Voice review--"Bogosian is there, watching out for the downtrodden, ridiculing the arrogant rich, defending battered wives and neo-hippie hitchhikers and never losing sight of his own capacity for being classed among the batters and bullies. But his 95 minutes is as fast and exciting a read as the theatre community offers. In our time, the stage has almost been what classical thinkers saw it as, a medium for criticizing life. How perfect that a solo performer should rediscover its roots, by choosing his own life as the object of his criticism." One of America's premier performers and most innovative and provocative artists, Eric Bogosian's plays and solo shows include Talk Radio (Pulitzer Prize finalist); subUrbia; Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll; Pounding Nails in the Floor with My Forehead, among many others. He has starred in a wide variety of film, TV and stage roles. Most recently, he created the character Captain Danny Ross on the long-running series Law & Order: Criminal Intent. 100, a collection of monologues, commemorating thirty years of Bogosian's solo-performance career, was published by TCG in 2014.