This book is the showcase for learning Visual Basic. Comes with Blow to Blow action to give the reader a better understanding to writing code.The topics are designed to give you a heads up view, and have fun learning about Visual Basic. After reading this book, I'm convinced it's ranked in the top 5 for learning this subject.The author relays great tips for starting out, and sets the stage for more advanced topics in other...
For any beginner, this book is great. If you have no clue what BASIC is and don't know the difference between a module and a procedure, this book is great.Although this probably won't get you at the expert level, it is a great beginning for anyone. It is much simpler than Microsoft's documentation and will definitely get you off on the right foot if you want something easy to start you off.
This is a great book for the total beginner to Visual Basic. It assumes you know nothing. To the people that wrote stuff like "this book was ok, but it only had the basics" - then buy a book that wasn't intended for beginners! This was written for the TOTAL beginner, it starts at the bottom and explains things in a very simplistic fashion.
I did not have any experience on VB before. But after reading this book I not only got the basic knowledge of VB 6 but also started making my own programs that I used in my office practically. This is excellent book for beginners. It opens your way to go ahead and look for advance books on the same topic. I highly recommend this book for those who want to learn VB6 in two to three weeks.
I decided to learn VB on my own, a lot of people have, and so I took a book home from the library and started reading. I was asleep 3 minutes later. But since I had a genuine desire to learn the program I bought VB for Dummies and to my surprise the book is just fantastic. I've become a fan of the ...For Dummies books just because of this book. If you are serious about learning Visual Basic, then there is no better...