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Kahaner's book helped me realize the kind of employer I aspired to be. Many of the contemporary situations Kahaner writes about show the intelligence of the ancient Rabbis. Kahaner's writing style is straightforward, and this book should be required reading for all business owners. But this book isn't just about being an ethical business person, it is about living an ethical life.
Kahaner has written a number of excellent business books and has always come up with a fresh theme or outlook to add to what is often a very predictable genre. By winnowing the Talmud for business advice he has found plenty of original material with a number of surprises that will be useful to businessmen at any level of experience. In a world full of troubling news about the leaders of America's companies this book couldn't...
Kahaner's book is destined to become one of those indispensable business books. Well written and insightful -- this book is a must for everyone in the business world.
The Jewish people have survived for over 4,000 years, in large part because they have stuck to a core set of values embodied in the Talmud. These teachings are as relevant today as they were times past, and as Larry Kahaner so ably shows, can be applied to our modern business dealings to great results. If you are seeking a way to enrich your business life and your spiritual life at the same time, this book is for you.
The Jewish people have had a collection of wisdom -- the Talmud -- that has guided and shaped their business and personal lives for generations. Larry Kahaner does an excellent job of extracting and putting into modern-day context ten basic lessons in the Talmud that are as timeless as they are timely. Clear, succinct, and easy to read, this book makes a compelling case for the wisdom of living your business life and your...