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Arts, Music & Photography Children's Children's Books Christmas Holidays & Celebrations MusicWhen you start looking for a good collection of Christmas Carols that can easily be used by children and adults, this is the right copy. In this colorful collection, illustrated by Stephen Cartwright of Usborne Publishing, you will find angels serenading every one of the 30 songs which contain the music and the lyrics for several verses. There is also one page showing the guitar chord diagrams, so that if you are...
The Usborne Book of Christmas Carols is a book to treasure. It has many full page color illustrations, and at least one small illustration on each page, if not a large one. It contains the words and music to 30 classic Chrismas Carols, including: 1. Away in a Mager2.The Holly and the Ivy3. O Little Town of Bethlehem4. DIng Dong! Marrily on HIghThe First NoelUnto Us a Child is BornIt came upon Midnight clearGood Christian...