Dr. Adrian P. Rogers, a prince of preachers, shares the fruit of his pulpit prowess in Unveiling the End Times in Our Time: The Triumph of the Lamb in Revelation. By reading this book you will be introduced to the major players in future world events; you will be informed about the culmination of God's plan of the ages; and you will be inspired to live each day anticipating the fulfillment of our Lord's promise to return...
Adrian Rogers explains in very simple to understand terms the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. He believes that the Bible is the inerrant word of Almighty God. From this basis, all Scripture explains Scripture. Therefore, I believe this book to be a very helpful tool to open to the reader an understanding of the Word of God. In Genesis, God created heaven and earth. In Revelation He comes as King of kings and Lord...
Adrian Rogers recently passed away, and with him, some of the finest teaching skills in Christendom. His Revelation is one of the best books on the subject. His strength is talking to the reader--not at the reader. If you want Revelation in-depth, you might seek out "Revelation for the Complete Idiot". If you want a scholarly work, read Mounce. If you want a teenager-oriented (or brand new believer, or teacher) book on...
This book has been anything but dry, wordy, or confusing. The Holy Spirit has used Adrian Rogers mightily and has shown me a great deal in this last chapter of the Bible. I pray for Dr. Rogers and the wonderful ministry God has entrusted him with. God bless you.
With passion and conviction, Dr. Adrian Rogers, past president of the Southern Baptist convention, pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Tennessee, and host of the international ministry, Love Worth Finding conveys God's vision given in Revelation for the end of the world and the beginning of eternity. Dr. Rogers's warm, yet engaging style mirrors that of his preaching, straight, to the point, but on message with the text of...