This is an excellent read for adult educators that want a series of practical ideas and ways to enable transformation in adult education. To really get at the heart of transformation and its challenges. I suggest reading Paolo Friere's Pedagogy of the Oppressed and get a sense of the ideas of Liberation Theology and the context for Friere's 'dialogical man' before reading this text. The poltical commentary was hardly touched...
I found Cranton's work to be helpful, readable and credible. I recommend it to people who want to help themselves and others with transformative learning. If you want current thinking and practical advice, this is the book to read.
This newly revised and updated second edition of Understanding And Promoting Transformative Learning: A Guide For Educators by Patricia Cranton (Visiting Professor of Adult Education, The Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg, and Adjunct Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University) is a scholarly study of the transformative learning theory laid out for teachers of adult students in settings that range from night...
Book ReviewThe book, Understanding and Promoting Transformative Learning by Patricia Cranton not only provides an in-depth account of transformative learning theory, but also offers the reader the opportunity to reflect on his or her own adult learning experiences. Cranton describes transformative learning as a three-step process, (a) subject-oriented, (b) consumer-oriented, (c) emancipatory. She compares these systems with...
Cranton gives us great strategies for developing self-awareness as educators. We can become aware of our assumptions by trouble-shooting our own ideas with a suggested list from Cranton: write critical incidents (episodes in our own lives that created new perspectives), keeping journals, writing life histories, conducting criteria analysis, and engaging in a crisis-decision simulation. Cranton says discussions with...