about three years ago, I picked this book up, and I couldn't put it down. And I have read it several times since. I let several people read it. Some of them have even got their own copies to give out to others. It may sound corny, but I laughed, I cried, and grew in my love for all those who are still lost. Jesus is real, and this man proves it. Jesus is powerful, and He proves it right here in this book. God's love for...
Mac Gober's story is an amazing story of a man who can trully speak from experience on God's grace and His love. From the jungles of Vietnam to riding with one of the most notorious bike gangs in history, this book covers it all. I had a chance to hear Mac speak personally, and what a life changing experience it was. Please, read this book.
I could not put this book down from acknowledgements. Mac Gober's story is written so that christian or non-christian can enjoy,or maybe identify with something said in the book. I gleened much from this book. A friend of mine at work loaned me the book to read, about a week after Mac Gober had spoken at his church. I had intentions of going to one of those meetings. Had I read this book first I'm certain I would have...