See below for English description.
Un tout nouveau Calendrier de l'Avent est l Cette ann e, les l ves de madame Binette re oivent une invitation du p re No l en personne. Ce dernier veut inviter deux l ves au p le Nord pour l'aider pr parer les cadeaux de No l en compagnie des lutins. Toute la classe est surexcit e: quels l ves seront choisis pour se rendre dans l'atelier du p re No l?
Un livre parfait pour le temps des f tes
Here comes a new Calendrier de l'Avent to count down the days until Christmas When the students of Mrs. Binette's class receive an invitation from Santa Claus himself, they just about burst with excitement. The big man himself wants to invite two students to the North Pole to help his elves prepare this year's Christmas gifts. Who will get chosen to go to Santa's workshop, and what will happen when they get there?
Designed to be read one story per day until Christmas, this is the perfect book to get excited for the holidays
Not published in English.