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Feeding And Nutrition Non-Fiction Animals Pets Pets & Animal Care Reptiles & AmphibiansClear, easy-to-read, easy-to-follow information about turtles and tortises. I purchased this book after becoming a guardian to an Arizona desert tortise. These creatures are protected and found in small areas of Nevada, California and Arizona, and there is not much information about them to be found. This book had more useful information than I received from any other source.
I bought this book as a starting point for my research of turtles before actually buying one. It gave a great overview on what to expect in terms of the equipment and space needed to humanely keep turtles, and enabled me to be more well informed before going to the reptile shops. I also found the list of recommended turtles for first time buyers helpful. For more information regarding in depth care of certain turtles, I...
Wonderfully written. She gave us so much information on the care and breeding of turtles and tortoises. It is great to be able to have one book that covers so much. A must have for anyone new to turtles or tortoises as well as those looking for more information.
I found this book to be great! It was full of useful and practical information for the beginning turtle or tortoise lover. It gives great descriptions of all types of turtles and tortoises, what size they are, how to care for them, what to feed them, housing and breeding tips. It's easy to follow and written so anyone can understand how to care for these wonderful creatures! I highly recommend it!