How do you find hope in hard times? Learn not only how to survive the difficult seasons, but to live a full life in the midst of them and beyond. Grounded in God's constancy and rooted in eternal hope, Nouwen guides you towards the kind of life that you can dance to--even...
In times of suffering, simple answers often ring empty and hollow--so how can you find hope in hard times? Learn how to survive the difficult seasons with the comfort and of God's constancy. With sensitive, practical advice, Henri Nouwen gently points...
In times of suffering, simplistic answers ring empty and hollow. But Henri Nouwen, beloved spiritual thinker and author, offers real comfort in the concrete truth of God's constancy. Nouwen suggests that by greeting life's pains with something other than despair, we can find...
Este libro de consolaci?n y realidad penetrante naci? de los art?culos no publicados del querido autor Henri Nouwen. Este libro no solamente se enfoca en c?mo sobrevivir los tiempos dif?ciles, tambi?n ense?a c?mo podemos experimentar una vida de plenitud durante y m?s all?...
In times of suffering, simplistic answers ring empty and hollow. But Henri Nouwen, beloved spiritual thinker and author, offers real comfort in the concrete truth of God's constancy. Nouwen suggests that by greeting life's pains with something other than despair, we can find...