"Trust" is the eleventh instalment in Francine Pascal's Fearless series. Gaia Moore, the girl without the ability to feel fear, is struggling to come to terms with the relationship between her thirty-something foster mother Ella and Sam Moon, the boy Gaia secretly loves. After a fight with Ella results in a shock defeat for the martial-arts expert, Gaia is soon wondering who her seemingly pathetic foster mother really is...
Trust was awesome. Gaia rocks all the way! This has been what all you readers have been waiting for, Sam and Heather finally break up! Ella finally gets in trouble for abusing Gaia! But, I shouldn't tell anymore, you gotta read the book! ...
#11 is truly the best in the series so far! I absolutely L-o-v-e-d it! It's a must read. Francine went way out on this one it was so great. You end up hating Heather less, loving the awkwardness that comes between two star-crossed lovers Heather and Ed (Which almost anyone can personally identify with). Sam realizes that he has one last chance to get Gaia. But the BEST part was how Gaia begins treating Ed even after she...
This book was just as good as the first 10, although a lot more questions are answered throughout this book. There is a good part in this book that I enjoyed( for all those Ella haters). Loki finally manages to meet Gaia, and is trying to tell her to runaway with him. I think thouhg, is he obsessed with Gaia in a sick or natural way?I really liked this book. Ed gets a little more personel with Gaia. I hope all the fearless...