Of all of the religious books I have read about the Christian faith, this by far, has been the most refreshing! It takes the believer back to the basics, back to their first love. The author reestablishes for himself as much as for the reader what true unadulterated Christianity should really be about. He strips away the imprisonment of "works" and restores the freedom to worship and love the Lord without fear of condemnation...
Francis Schaeffer was a Prebyterian pastor who moved to Swiss Alps in 1948 and started the L'Abri Fellowship. God gave him vision and insight into the centrality of the gospel in living that has helped countless others to better understand the truth now. Schaeffer died in 1984, but the depth of wisdom that he was given continues to live through his writings.True Spirituality is a book that God has used in a way to greatly...
The Lord has used this book to revive me two separate times. Schaeffer examines the Bible lived in post-modern society. He obviously put a lot of thinking and analysis into this book at his own time of "re-thinking" or personal crisis. This book was written at a time when he had to reconsider his whole position from square one. If we are honest about the intellectual struggles of living in this modern world we are likely...
What is the meaning and essence of true Biblical Christian spirituality? It was in wrestling with such basic questions that Theologian/Philosopher Dr. Francis Schaeffer developed the Biblical material that became focus of his lectures at L'Abri. Dr. Schaeffer describes "True Spirituality" as the written form of those L'Abri studies. In "True Spirituality" Schaeffer expounds the meaning of Christ's finished work for Christian...
Schaeffer does a superb job in True Spirituality examining the many facets of what it means to be a Christian in the depths of our beings.As if turning a diamond while holding it up to the light, he allows the reader to see the life of a Christian and what it relaly means, as opposed to possible misconceptions and false impressions that Christians and non-Christians often find themselves believing.His exploration of the...