Considered by many to be the greatest single book of Marian spirituality ever written, True Devotion to Mary is St Louis de Montfort's classic statement on the spiritual way to Jesus Christ though the Blessed Virgin Mary. Beloved by countless souls, this book sums up the...
"God wishes that His holy Mother should now be more known, more loved, more honoured, than ever she has been; and this will no doubt come to pass, if the predestinate will enter, by the grace and light of the Holy Ghost, into the interior and perfect practice which I will discover...
San Luis Mar?a Grignion de Montfort, (1.673-1.716) fue un sacerdote, te?logo y escritor franc?s, conocido por su gran devoci?n a la Virgen Mar?a. La presente obra fue un manuscrito que estuvo olvidado en un cofre en una casa de campo franc?s, para escapar a las embestidas de...
Esta nueva traducci?n de El Tratado Sobre la Verdadera Devoci?n a la Sant?sima Virgen, contiene lo siguiente: La biograf?a del autorIlustraciones de la Sant?sima Virgen Mar?aOraciones y citas importantesConsiderado por muchos como el cl?sico de espiritualidad de la Virgen Mar?a...
"GOD wishes that His holy Mother should now be more known, more loved, more honoured, than ever she has been; and this will no doubt come to pass, if the predestinate will enter, by the grace and light of the Holy Ghost, into the interior and perfect practice which I will discover...
Written in 1712 by Saint Louis de Montfort, this influential Catholic treatise remained virtually unknown until it was discovered in France in 1842. Finally published in 1843 in its original French, the work became an instant success and would later have a profound impact...
TAN Classics Made Simple booklets are designed to give you an orientation course before you embark on an exploration of the great works of Catholic literature found in our best selling TAN Classics line.
Mary is the Queen of heaven and earth by grace, as Jesus is the King of them by nature and by conquest. Now, as the kingdom of Jesus Christ consists principally in the heart and interior of a man-according to that word, "The kingdom of God is within you,"-in like manner the...
Consid r par beaucoup comme le meilleur livre individuel de spiritualit mariale jamais crit, la Vraie D votion Marie est la d claration classique de Saint Louis de Montfort sur le chemin spirituel vers J sus-Christ travers la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie. Aim par d'innombrables...