This is the first book I read about Feng Shui. I found I really enjoyed Collin's breezy style of writing, but more than that, after reading 10 other books on feng shui, I can honestly say this is the best book out there for the beginner feng shui reader.Collins goes over all the feng shui basics in this book - the bagua, enhansements, colors, the five-element theory (nourishing and destructive cycles), etc. She then goes...
... I read most of it on a recent flight and found it helpful, insightful, and easy to read/understand. I have realized that by making some subtle changes to my enviornment I can feel better about myself and hopefuly generate more positive energy flow around me. Even if you don't believe in cosmic energy forces this is a great book to fantastic decorating ideas. You will never look at your home (or that of others) again...
I loved The Western Guide to Feng Shui, but I was unsure what more the author could say in Room-by-Room. I had no cause for concern! Collins continues her breezy and easy to understand style of breaking Feng Shui into quickly digested pieces (in The Western Guide, it was Bagua regions, in Room-by-Room, it's the common rooms and exterior areas of a house). For each piece, she explains the basics of Feng Shui as applied...
My son gave me this book for Xmas, what a wonderful gift! As a beginner to Feng Shui, I find many books on the subject too complex for me at this time. I needed a book that was clear and uncomplicated. I found it! Not only did I learn how to incorporate feng shui into my home but also in my attitude and way of life. Unlike many authors I have read, Terah Kathryn Collins emphasizes the importance of changing our attitudes...
I collect, read & study every book I can on Feng Shui. I have close to a hundred books in my own library on Feng Shui. This book is by far, the easiest to understand and use. It just tells you how to do it and improve your life. I highly recommend this book.
No matter how long our TBR lists get, we're always finding new books we want to stack on! Here are 22 exciting August releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.
It's time for our annual roundup of the best books from the previous year. The titles we chose span the full range of genres and categories. For all you adrenaline junkies, here are the nineteen thrillers and mysteries that made the cut.