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You can always tell really good information that has been found through the true science of research, study and actual use. It withstands the decades of fad diets and medical phases. That is what is offered in this book. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK if you are sick of the non-sense that we are fed everyday through media and orthadox medicine. We are supposedly the most medically advanced species on the earth yet we are...
I'm happy to see that this enduring classic is still in print. I wrote about nutrition for the health magazines for years, had all kinds of information at my fingertips, but when it came to my own health, this little book offered the most effective answers. I still go back to the Bieler diet when I need to lose weight, increase my energy, or avoid health problems that seem to be looming on the horizon. A friend of mine...
Dr. Bieler's book is a must read for anyone interested in maximizing their health. This book teaches a holistic path of how the body uses food and how food can heal or destroy the body. I came across this book after suffering through my teenage years with chronic fatigue and severe athritis. This book explained why I was suffering and how to reverse my condition. After 1 month on the Bieler path, I found my symptoms improved...
I have been studying nutrition, organic vs. conventional; vegetarianism vs. omnivorism, etc., etc. for years and years. This book is what I call a foundation text. It is a must.