Good book. Lots of helpful information for classifying, organizing and eliminating or storing EVERYTHING in your house. Start at the beginning and read the type of person you are when it comes to building up clutter, and you will get a better understanding of why you have so much stuff and how to prevent future clutter build-up.
Have you accumulated so much STUFF that you have no room for your family, pets and friends? Then this book is for you! Edited by Lori Baird, she not only explains the problem, but teaches you, step by step multiple solutions, showing how you can prioritize, organize and rid yourself of unneeded clutter. The illisrations are helpful, and suggested solutions are given with small budgets in mind. There are those who can't part...
After reading the widely disparate reviews, I got a copy from the library. I found the book to be delightful and helpful, and I have ordered a copy to own. I lead a complex life, producing beautiful, organized work but leaving debris around me as drafts, printouts, and other papers accumulate. The author is very understanding of the thought processes and problems of Accumulators and Paper Pilers. Her humor makes the task of...
Clutter is often a result of having a busy life. Hence, it wouldn't make sense for a book intended to help you clear clutter to involve a lot of your time. The book is designed of short but extremely helpful tips, so that you can read only a little bit and take 15 minutes to fight clutter. In other words, it helps you keep from being overwhelmed by the daunting task of clearing your stuff. I've always been. and always will...
This book really changed my ideas about decluttering my life. It has great mix of psychological motivation and practical how-tos. After reading it front to back, I go back and pick it up to read specific sections every now and then. This book is practical, a fun read and helped me change my home for the better.