In a sleazy London pub, Leslie Hawkins, a high-class fence, crosses paths with Peter Rhatigan, a man with an intriguing proposition: the legendary Totenkopfring, a relic from World War Two. Seduced by the promise of a grand score, Leslie eagerly jumps into the dangerous game...
In a sleazy London pub, Leslie Hawkins, a high-class fence, crosses paths with Peter Rhatigan, a man with an intriguing proposition: the legendary Totenkopfring, a relic from World War Two. Seduced by the promise of a grand score, Leslie eagerly jumps into the dangerous game...
In a sleazy London pub, Leslie Hawkins, a high-class fence, crosses paths with Peter Rhatigan, a man with an intriguing proposition: the legendary Totenkopfring, a relic from World War Two. Seduced by the promise of a grand score, Leslie eagerly jumps into the dangerous game...