Tom Swift, seated in his laboratory engaged in trying to solve a puzzling question that had arisen over one of his inventions, was startled by a loud knock on the door. So emphatic, in fact, was the summons that the door trembled, and Tom started to his feet in some alarm. "Hello...
Tom Swift is the main character of five series of American juvenile science fiction and adventure novels that emphasize science, invention and technology. First published in 1910, the series total more than 100 volumes. The character was created by Edward Stratemeyer, the founder...
"Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel" by Victor Appleton is another thrilling installment in the Tom Swift series. In this book, Tom Swift turns his inventive talents toward solving a major engineering challenge-building a tunnel through a mountain. The story follows Tom Swift as he...
In this thrilling adventure story for young readers, teenage inventor Tom Swift sets out to create a revolutionary tunnel-boring machine and discovers a hidden city in the Andes Mountains. But when a group of mysterious strangers show up looking for the same treasure, Tom...
Tom Swift And His Big Tunnel is a classic adventure novel written by Victor Appleton. The book follows the story of Tom Swift, a brilliant inventor and engineer, who embarks on a daring project to construct a tunnel under a mountain range in Peru. With the help of his friends...
Mr. Job Titus had heard of the giant cannon used by Tom Swift and Tom to protect the Panama Canal, and wanted to hire Tom to develop a special gunpowder to help them complete the excavation. Tom's good friend, Mr. Damon, came in in the middle of the conversation, not knowing...
This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature. In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards: 1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete...
Victor Appleton was a house pseudonym used by the Stratemeyer Syndicate and its successors, most famous for being associated with the Tom Swift series of books. The following series have been published under the Victor Appleton name: Tom Swift (1910-1941), Motion Picture Chums...
Tom Swift And His Big Tunnel is a novel written by Victor Appleton. The story revolves around Tom Swift, a young inventor who is determined to build a tunnel beneath a mountain range. Tom's father, a wealthy inventor, funds the project, and Tom sets out to design and build the...