Tom Newcombe: Or The Boy Of Bad Habits is a novel written by Harry Castlemon and published in 1896. The story follows the life of Tom Newcombe, a young boy who is known for his bad habits. Tom is lazy, disobedient, and often gets into trouble. Despite his flaws, Tom has a good...
Tom Newcombe: Or The Boy Of Bad Habits is a novel written by Harry Castlemon and published in 1896. The story follows the adventures of Tom Newcombe, a young boy who is known for his bad habits and mischievous behavior. Tom's parents send him to a boarding school in hopes of...
Charles Austin Fosdick (September 6, 1842 - August 22, 1915), better known by his nom de plume Harry Castlemon, was a prolific writer of juvenile stories and novels, intended mainly for boys. He was born in Randolph, New York, and received a high school diploma from Central High...