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History Jewish Life Judaism Parenting & Relationships Religion Religion & Spirituality WorldI bought this book in hardcover more than 30 years ago. I give it to friends as a gift to this day. It's just tough finding copies.
I have converted to Judaism in order to have a single faith marriage. Though this books additudes were a bit outdated towards interfaith relationships and does not recognize the wide spread intermarriage phenomenom, the author has a good handle on the issues affecting the Jewish identity. It is a very conservative approach to raising your child with a Jewish Identity, with a focus on early religious/cultural training.
This book was very helpful and included some common sense parenting advice that, quite frankly, would be nice if it was more common. The author's main focus is on Jewish education. While he does review other options it is obvious his opinion is the traditonal Hebrew school with the goal being the child will continue to be dedicated to his faith long after his/her Bar/Bat Mitzvah. He is very encouraging of an orthodox upbringing...
This book has had more impact on me than any other one book on any Jewish subject.I myself went to afternoon Hebrew schools, and was nodding throughout Donin's discussion of why they are so ineffective. My two kids are now in Jewish dayschools, and hopefully will be for the rest of their educational lives.If you're worried that your kids will either turn out "too Jewish" or "not Jewish enough," this book will alleviate fears...
A MUST read for everyone who is dealing whith the infinite steps that should be climbe, during the raising of a jewish child, as she (he) should be raised.